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Become a member

There shall be three (3) classes of membership as follows:


Members: All persons who have attended North Carolina A&T State

University at least one (1) year shall be eligible for membership.


Associate Members: Any spouse of an eligible member may become an

Associate Member. Any parent of a student currently attending A&T or who

attended A&T for at least one (1) year may become an Associate Member.


Honorary Members: Any person who has given distinctive contributions

recognized by the local and/or National Chapter may be recommended by

members in (GOOD STANDING) with the local chapter. The standard of

conduct required of members in good standing will also apply to Honorary



Any member who has not paid his or her dues by the beginning of the last

meeting of the calendar year shall not be in GOOD STANDING and ineligible to



Any member or associate members shall be deemed to be in GOOD STANDING if their dues are current.



For PayPal use button below which is $51.59 ($50 plus $1.59 transaction fee).


For Cash App use $NCATBaltimoreAlumni (Please leave full name in memo section)


Donations and dues ($50) can be sent by mail to:


                                        711 W 40TH Street Suite 153-339

                                                  Baltimore, MD 21211


Checks or money orders should be made payable to "The Baltimore A&T Alumni Chapter".

Timeline for Dues:


Fiscal year begins every month of July.

Fiscal year ends at the end of June of the following year.

Dues are due on July 1st and are considered on time if paid by the end of October.


Chapter Donations

Here are some ways you can donate:



711 40TH Street Suite 153-339

  Baltimore, MD 21211



Make a tax deductible donation‏.

(Select Friends & Family)




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